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How to Learn Slap Bass

When you hear the term learn slap bass, what it refers to is learning how to play the bass guitar. No matter what the other instruments in a band sound
like, the bass guitar is crucial and is really the glue that holds the whole thing together. The bass guitar often goes overlooked, but if you want to know
how to learn play you will quickly see just how huge a role the bass guitar plays. The bass guitar has truly become one of the most versatile
instruments in today's modern music. This instrument has been used in music for generations now, and in the past few years in particular there have
been many different variations of this instrument. Different Ways of Playing If you want to learn slap, you should know first and foremost that there
are a few different ways of playing bass,Flea like RHCP or the other.
First there is fingerstyle, which uses the fingers of the right hand in an alternating motion, and which is a good
technique for precision playing because it allows for easy string playing. Of course there is the slap which is what you specifically want to be
interested in if you want to learn slap bass. When you want to learn slap bass, you want to know that this method of playing uses the thumb and first
finger in an up and down motion, the thumb strikes the string on the downward motion and then the first finger pulls the string away from the fretboard
on the upward motion. Then there is also the tapping which is also important to be familiar with if you want to learn slap bass. This method of playing
uses both the right and left hands to tap notes on the fretboard, and gives a very melodic sound. It is mainly used in European rock and fusion/metal.
The bass guitar is truly a fascinating instrument and one that anyone would enjoy learning how to play. The most important thing is that you do not get
angry or frustrated. You need to have patience when you are learning how to play any instrument, and be willing to devote the time and effort that is
going to be required here. Even if you don't end up going anywhere major with your new found skill, you will still feel great and be proud of yourself for
learning something new. The bass guitar is fun, and you can use it to express your creativity.

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